Feb 1, 2012
LOS ANGELES, CA—In honor of all the work Rob Dyrdek has done building seven skate parks in Los Angeles, the city has deemed February 1st as
“Rob Dyrdek Day”. Rob wanted to make this a holiday of kindness and he asks everyone to take the day to do everything completely kind.
So, at the end of the day, can you ask yourself DYRDEK?*
Congratulations, Rob**!
* D(id)Y(ou)R(eally)D(o)E(verything)K(ind)?
** That’s coming from me, personally, because at my age and interest I truly do appreciate those smooth, stepped manual pads at the North Hollywood park.
Especially so since they’re not squeezed in on the edge of a 12-foot deep padded-warrior dino-bowl.
We try to do dyrdek every day are city is in despret need of a new skate park in selah Washington it is very small
I live in Connecticut and my Birthday is Rob Dyrdek Day. All i want for my birthday is for me and everyone in my school to meet Rob Dyrdek.
u should build a skatepark in jefferson city TN becouse their is nowhere to skate unless we get pulled over
Wow, 10 days before my birth date.
dyrdek day is so fun i only have 1 thing to ask can u please build a skatepark in laurel there is only 1 good 1 and its 3 miles from my house otherwise me and the team will keepgetting kicked out of places
hey rob i have an idea around what channel did but instead of a bra strap just shoe laces. call email me for the deats
Rob u realy r an inspiration n a gift from God. U hav realy helpd out so many ppl. From building skateparks to handng out ur unused clothes2the needy to giving a car to a fellow skater with a family. U will continue to have a blessed n fulfilled life. Bless u!
Rob Dyrdek
I really would love to meet u.You r a great inspiration on me I’m really not that old I’m 10 and have no way to get to u and I know u have a busy life and probably wont see this but u probably have my email
Dear Rob,
first of all im a huge fan,i watched all your shows, and your super cute!
<3 April Lynne